Babies cry. Crying is a way for babies to communicate their needs to you. It is sometimes difficult to know what they want. Here are some tips to consider when your baby is crying:


  1. Your crying baby may be hungry! Unless you have just fed your baby, this should be the first step in determining why your baby is crying.
  2. Babies often cry when their diaper is soiled.
  3. Babies sometimes cry when coming down with an illness. Determine if your crying baby feels feverish or has the sniffles or other symptoms of an illness.
  4. Your crying baby may be over stimulated. Many babies cry when they have had too much exposure to noise, people and/or visual activity (T.V.).
  5. Some babies cry when they are overtired. Consider that your baby may be tired and need some extra rest.
  6. Some crying babies need extra cuddling and attention. Placing your baby in a sling or other carrier on your body may provide the right amount of comfort to soothe and quiet your crying baby.
  7. Check to see if your crying baby is too hot or too cold.
  8. Some crying babies may be experiencing colic.
  9. Try to soothe your crying baby. Consider what calms your baby, for example a pacifier, motion (stroller or car ride), a favorite blanket, or a massage.
  10. Stay calm! It is easy to become stressed when a baby cries for a long period of time. Remaining as calm as possible will help.
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